


The Nicotera Severisio extra virgin olive oil comes out of a century-old family experience, obtained from 15.000 secular olive trees belonging to the extremely refined Carolea cultivar.

The family has a history which has always been tied to the production of oil: the work and tradition of the company, together with the idea that oil is the most authentic expression of this territory, is transmitted into the Nicotera Severisio products, which are the fruit of research, quality and care.

The plants enjoy a warm climate and a full solar exposition. The prolific growth of the fruit is favoured by the continuous currents of air which is good for the vegetative cycle and leads to an abundant flowering.



The Carolea, a plant with significant botanic peculiarities, lends itself well to a mechanical harvest, which takes place from the beginning of October, following thorough procedures in order to identify the right stage of fruits inolation.

All freshly harvested olives are sent for processing within 12 hours.



The production of the Nicotera Severisio oil follows a modern method, through a cold pressing in a continuous cycle (under 27 degrees).

Once it is extracted, the oil undergoes a monitoring by external certified technicians, before continuing the process in stainless steel containers under nitrogen in order to preserve the quality.

The company, provided with a modern bottling plant, meets the needs of the consumer, proposing different sale formats.



We use ancient mills for the softening of the olives respecting the old traditions while using new techniques for the pressing.
This is a fundamental rite, which is guaranteed in all its phases, from washing, to mixing, from the pressing to conservation, production and bottling of the extra virgin olive oil.

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